Grégory Operto

Checking VBM data homogeneity


The CAT12 toolbox includes a module to assess what is called VBM data homogeneity. This post describes how to implement a much simpler but similar feature in Python.

Assessing quality on large neuroimaging datasets is a tedious task, especially combined with complex processing workflows, and as such is still an …

Denoising Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Data: some comparative tests


We have been trying different software packages for the preprocessing of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and comparing their results in application to our cohort data, with a particular focus set on denoising. This post gives some brief feedback on our experience and details somewhat the reasoning that led to our final …

A Night in the Van


Some years ago at a time when traveling around the world was still a thing, we made this road trip around Iceland in a rented camper van. That trip was really memorable and would deserve so much more description. We enjoyed it so much that three months later we would …

Voxel-based morphometry / voxel-wise multiple regression in Python


I got to learn Python before using Matlab. Therefore when I needed to run my first VBM analyses, I quickly looked for a way to do this through Python scripts instead of clicking (and misclicking) hundreds of times using the graphical interface from SPM. As a summary of this past …

nisnap: easy generation of snapshots from segmentation results


Processing neuroimaging data, regardless of the algorithm/software used, usually means generating more data, such as, among other possible types of outputs, numeric endpoints and, * more images *. Modern techniques now allow to use them over large collections of data, as seen with some recent large epidemiological studies and/or clinical …